Photo: Lais Aranha
Igor Pimenta is one of the honorees of the #MCBEMCASA campaign. The singer would release the CD Sumidouro at the Museu da Casa Brasileira, in July, in the 21st season of the Music at MCB project. However, under the guidance of the Covid-19 Contingency Center, the Secretary of Culture and Creative Economy of the Government of the State of São Paulo adopted the measure to temporarily suspend the operation of museums.
Paulistano from the neighborhood of Luz, Igor Pimenta was interested in music from an early age and began his studies in electric bass and piano, graduated in Music from the Faculty of Arts Alcântara Machado, in addition to his bachelor’s degree, the musician had in his training the electric bass course at Universidade Livre de Música, now EMESP, acoustic double bass at Escola Municipal de Música. For three years he taught at Faculdade Paulista de Artes, as a double bass and ensemble teacher.
As an instrumentalist, the musician worked with Ivan Lins, Ritchie, Luiza Possi, Breno Ruiz, Blubell, Paulo Novaes, Pedro Altério, Rafa Castro, among others, always acting in different backgrounds and styles. He recorded, together with Neymar Dias, the album Come Together Project (Boránda – 2015), a dip in the Beatles’ repertoire with a lineup of country guitar and acoustic double bass. In addition to the CD with KVAR quartet, the first album with its songs and arrangements. He participated in the tour of Ivan Lins and Rafael Altério through the interior of São Paulo with the show ‘Atrás Poeira’ thematic show that focused on the interior songs of the two composers. He also participated actively in the recording of the MINIDocs program.
He currently directs music and signs the track for the circus show Universo Casuo, by Marcos Casuo (formerly Cirque du Soleil), with whom he participated in tour shows throughout Latin America. And he composed and recorded numerous tracks and jingles for Cinema, Tv and Circus.
Learn more about the authorial record of bassist and composer Igor Pimenta:
Sumidouro refers to the winding paths that water travels to infiltrate the land and seek wider galleries, thus following its continuous journey. As he has compositions from the last ten years, the musician draws this analogy as a way to symbolize the need to register these arrangements and compositions, thus opening paths for new journeys.
In this soundtrack the composer is faced with musical stories that transport us to the folk universe of deep Brazil, sometimes with the theme, present in “Lamentos de Mãe d’Água” or “Procissão das Velas”, sometimes with the sonority, which has the caipira viola from the interior of São Paulo or the ranch march leading the song. In other moments, the disc takes on an autobiographical tone, as in “O Sonho de Lara” and “Brasilina, Chico e Zeize”, which, by focusing on the most particular themes of his life, the composer reaches the universal theme, with melodies, amusements , lullabies and waltzes.
In other tracks, the composer reveres his musical influences, as in the arrangement of “A Sede do Peixe”, which, when paying tribute to Milton Nascimento, the interlude connects to the soundscapes of Villa Lobos and Tom Jobim; and in “Quarteto para Tempo Bicudos” he flirts with the urban and dodecaphonic aesthetics of Arrigo Barnabé and Vanguarda Paulista.
The sound color of the disc is differentiated by its very rich instrumentation, bringing to the compositions, in addition to the traditional formation of popular music, the clarone, the bassoon, clarinets, string quartet and voices, enriching the arrangements.
Sumidouro is an album that tells stories without words, carries the listener through scenarios full of colors and contrasts, and, like the water path, leads us to the broader galleries.
Follow the musician:
Igor Pimenta – Album and single audition
About the Music at MCB project
With continuous editions since 1999, the Music at MCB project has already benefited more than 240 thousand people, who had free access to shows by groups such as Pau Brasil, Zimbo Trio, Coisa Fina Project, Bachiana Youth Orchestra, Aum Group, Mawaca and Traditional Jazz Band , among others. The presentations, which take place on a stage mounted on the terrace of the Museu da Casa Brasileira between the months of January and December, currently gather around 500 spectators on average each Sunday.
The MCB is temporarily closed. In the current scenario, MCB adapts its content to digital, making several materials available in its #MCBemcasa campaign and on the #CulturaemCasa platform. Among the content launched, there is a virtual tour, playlists, articles and activities on social networks. Follow!
SITE: mcb.org.br/
Museu da Casa Brasileira_ Av. Faria Lima, 2705
Tel .: (11) 3032-3727.