Credits: Alisson Ricardo and Vinicius Stasolla
On display from September 11th to October 14th, 2018.
To present the work developed by “The Spirit of Poland” in partnership with the sports design studio “We design for Physical Culture” in the community of Boa Vista do Acará, in the Amazon, the Museu da Casa Brasileira, an institution of the Secretariat of Culture of the State, opened on September 11, 2018, the exhibition “Peconheiros”. On the occasion, visitors were also able to participate in a guided visit with Monika Brauntsch, Dorota Kabala and Carolina Menezes, designers who participated in the project.
Opening of the Show
Credits: Vinicius Stasolla
The exhibition, which has already been at the Gdynia Design Days 2017 festival (Poland), presented the project and the solutions aimed at increasing the safety and comfort of açaí collectors (so-called peconheiros) when climbing palm trees, which measure around 15 feet tall. Traditionally, these professionals used açaí trees to pick up food for their families, but currently, with the increase in commercial demand for the fruit, the daily activity of these professionals has also increased and, with this, the difficult working conditions and fatigue result in more frequent accidents.
Published images
Credits: Disclosure
Peconheiros usually climb unprotected açaí trees, with a machete tucked into their shorts or between their teeth and a palm leaf or sack wrapped around their feet and require special balance skills, with centralized support on their feet and free hands to handle the machete. In some cases they also use peconha, a foot strap used by collectors in a rudimentary harvesting process.
The work of the designers and the entire team aimed to improve the safety conditions of workers, through equipment that respects the local context and the skills of professionals on a daily basis. “During the work in Boa Vista, we tried to apply practical solutions from climbing, arboriculture and sports design, while working with local materials and techniques. This was crucial to make possible the popularization of the created solutions”, completes Dorota Kabala, from the We Design for Physical Culture studio.
Press Highlights
Guia da Folha (Impresso) | Alô Alô Bahia (Online) | Dica de Teatro (Online) | Gazeta da Semana (Online) | Revista Use (Online) | Top RG (Online) | Secretaria da Cultura do Estado de São Paulo (Online) | Globo Rural (Online) | Agranovas (Online) | Viva Cidade News (Online)
About MCB
The Museu da Casa Brasileira, an institution of the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo that celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2020, is dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of the material culture of the Brazilian house, being the only museum in the country specializing in architecture and design. The MCB’s program includes temporary and long-term exhibitions, with an agenda that also includes educational service activities, debates, lectures and publications contextualizing the museum’s vocation for the formation of critical thinking on themes such as architecture, urbanism, housing, economy creative, urban mobility and sustainability. Among its numerous initiatives, the MCB Design Award, the main award in the segment in the country, held since 1986, stand out; and the Casas do Brasil project, to rescue and preserve the memory of the rich diversity of living in the country.
Brazilian House Museum
Av. Brig. Faria Lima, 2705 – Jardim Paulistano
Tel.: +55 (11) 3032.3727