On November 23, the Museu da Casa Brasileira – an institution of the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the state of São Paulo – and ArqXP will meet virtually for the launch of the November edition of the magazine, which will include the catalog of the 34th edition of the Museu da Casa Brasileira Design Award, featuring this year’s awardees.

The programming will take place on the MCB’s YouTube channel from 5 pm and will feature the participation of Giancarlo Latorraca (technical director of the Museu da Casa Brasileira), Gerson Lessa (jury coordinator of the 34th MCB Design Award in the Products category), Teresa Riccetti (jury coordinator of the 34th MCB Design Award in the Written Works category) and mediation by Gustavo Curcio (ArqXP).

Participants will talk about the realization of the first fully virtual edition of the MCB Design Award. Held since 1986, the 34th edition of the contest was interrupted in 2020 after the Poster Contest, due to the uncertainties brought about by the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021, there was time to plan the evaluation activities so that the edition could take place in a virtual format, overcoming the adversities, both budgetary and the still uncertain scenario. The competition received a total of 431 entries, and the edition presented the largest number of written works in recent years, 75 works, of which: 18 were published and 57 were unpublished.

After the conversation round, the magazine that includes the catalog can be purchased for free in digital and physical versions on the website or Instagram @arq_xp.


Virtual chat wheel | 34th MCB Design Award

November 23rd, Tuesday

Hours: from 5 pm to 6 pm

Live stream by YouTube MCB


About Giancarlo Latorraca
Giancarlo is an architect and technical director of the Museu da Casa Brasileira. He is currently a doctoral candidate at the Graduate Program of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at USP, in the area of ​​Design, with a line of research on the theory and history of design under the supervision of Professor Dr. Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos.

About Teresa Riccetti
Professor and researcher at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in the Design course. PhD in Science from UNIFESP (2009). Master’s Degree in Architecture and Urbanism at FAUUSP (1999); Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Design from Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (1989). In the period 1990/91 he was a member of the team of designers at the Brazilian Design Laboratory – LBDI / CNPq (Florianópolis, SC). Improvement in Design Director by Domus Academy, Milan (1992). He was a professor in the undergraduate and graduate courses in Design at Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (1994-2016). He is deputy leader of the research group: Design, Theory and Design; works in the areas of design education and product design with an emphasis on furniture and home landscape.

About Gerson Lessa
PhD in Visual Arts at PPGAV/EBA/UFRJ (2014), with a thesis in the research line Imagem e Cultura. Master in Design by PPD/ESDI/UERJ (2008), with a dissertation in the research line of the History of Industrial Design. Graduated in Industrial Design from ESDI/UERJ (1985). Admitted to the faculty at the School of Fine Arts of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in the Industrial Design Course (BAI) in March 2009. Develops research on the history of Industrial Design and Material Culture, dedicating himself to collecting, identification and preservation of materials and objects produced by the plastics industry throughout the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, as well as bibliography and commercial and ephemeral references about these objects and industry.

About Gustavo Curcio (Mediator)
Architect, Master and Doctor in Design and Architecture. Gustavo is a professor and researcher at the Project Department at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo, where he develops research at undergraduate and graduate levels in the area of ​​Magazine Design and Editorial Graphic Project (online and offline). He is a researcher at the Visual Design Research Laboratory, LabVisual – FAUUSP and at the New Narratives Study Group, GENN – ECAUSP. He has a postdoctoral degree in Design and Architecture from FAUUSP and 20 years of experience in publishing, visual programming, art direction, photography direction and editorial/advertising direction. He recently curated the Pauliceia 2.0 exhibition at the Liceu de Artes e Ofícios in São Paulo. He is on the editorial board of the magazines Arquitetura e Urbanismo (ISSN 0102-8979) and Téchne (ISSN 0104-1053). He coordinates the university extension project for the democratization of access to design ArqXP | Innovative Experiences in Construction. Juror in the Written Works category of the 34th MCB Design Award.


About MCB
The Museu da Casa Brasileira, an institution of the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo, has been dedicated, for 51 years, to the preservation and dissemination of the material culture of the Brazilian house, being the only museum in the country specializing in architecture and design . The MCB’s program includes temporary and long-term exhibitions, with an agenda that also includes educational service activities, debates, lectures and publications contextualizing the museum’s vocation for the formation of critical thinking on themes such as architecture, urbanism, housing, economy creative, urban mobility and sustainability. Among its numerous initiatives, the MCB Design Award, the main award in the segment in the country, held since 1986, stand out; and the Casas do Brasil project, to rescue and preserve the memory of the rich diversity of living in the country.

Museu da Casa Brasileira | Av. Faria Lima, 2705 | Tel.: (11) 3032-3727
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Tue. to sun. from 10am to 6pm

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