
In the photo: Luís Gama, renowned journalist, lawyer and writer who had outstanding performance throughout the 19th century

The Museu da Casa Brasileira promotes in November, two special activities, disclosed together with the Virada da Consciência Negra, organized by the Faculdade Zumbi dos Palmares in partnership with public and private institutions. In this context, we browse, tomorrow and Sunday, the entrance to the Museum will be free for all audiences.
At first, in dialogue with the exhibition ‘Independências: Casas e Costumes do Brasil’, it will be an educational action “Das Áfricas às Diásporas” which will take place at the MCB patio today, sixth fair, starting at 7:00 p.m.
A segunda, em formato digital, será a conversa ‘Branquitude é obra-prima de museu’, promovida pelo Educativo MCB com Tatiana Nascimento, artista e doutora que ocorrerá no dia 26 de novembro, sábado, das 10h às 12h, por meio da plataforma Zoom.
Take advantage of the weekend and check out the exhibitions in cartaz!
Days 18, 19 and 20 of November, sixth fair, Saturday and Sunday
Free entrance
Poster exhibitions: Esculturas Lúdicas – Sara Rosenberg; Independências: Casas e Costumes no Brasil; Remanescentes da Mata Atlântica & Acervo MCB; A Casa e a Cidade – Coleção Crespi Prado.
Av. Brig. Faria Lima, 2.705 – Jardim Paulistano, SP
The MCB does not have a parking lot. Prefer public transport.
We are close to the Faria Lima station on Line 4 Yellow of the Metro.

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Tue. to sun. from 10am to 6pm

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