
In 2019, Educativo MCB started a partnership with Olaria Paulistana, coordinated by Lucia Eid, to make ceramic cups used in the Tea Ceremony, an activity that takes place during educational visits, as a way of welcoming visiting groups. This production of cups is also articulated with the ‘Your Museum’ project, which involved the institution’s employees in the creation of their ceramic cup or cup, to replace the use of plastic cups provided by the Museum.

Chaismo instills purity and harmony,
the mystery of mutual clarity.
Kakuzo Okakura

On a table in the museum garden were cups, teapots, small dessert plates, cutlery, two or three cakes, and some flowers. On that day, we would receive a visit from a group of elderly ladies and gentlemen coming from Associação São Joaquim, a partner institution located in Carapicuíba.

After visiting the collection, we sat at the table to enjoy tea, cake and, above all, the life stories of these people. We talk about the objects seen and imagined during the tour; each visitor remembered at least one story to tell. The memories, the knowledge, the recipes and the affective relationships provoked by the objects moved us, made us sing and dance.

We saw something wonderfully potent and necessary in that encounter. The apparently simple gesture of offering a cup of tea to the visitor calms down, celebrates the meeting, interrupts the daily flow to which we are subjected in a large city, concentrates, sharpens the senses, changes the temperature of bodies, the state of things and for consequently, the quality of the meeting and the visit.

We produced a game consisting of 60 cups and saucers, organically modeled, with particular formats and paintings, which now participate in many of our educational activities, taking this sensitive experience to different audiences: from children to adults.

This production was later articulated with the Seu Museu project, involving the institution’s permanent and outsourced employees in the creation of its ceramic cup, aiming to replace plastic cups and introduce the use of a more welcoming and affective object in the work routine. The entire process was coordinated and guided by the ceramist Lucia Eid, who accompanied us as a teacher during the modeling, firing and painting of the pieces. His teachings on technical aspects and shared wisdom were the pillars of this achievement and the paths followed in the group’s research.

At the end of the process of making the cups, an exhibition was held containing the set of cups produced by the educational, the set produced by the group of workers at the museum and a set of teapots authored by Lucia Eid.

In the pictures below, you can see the MCB Educativo team during Lucia Eid’s teachings:

See how some of the actions related to the project were:

Expository table with the pieces produced by the entire Museum team:



The chaísmo listening session is a series composed of five sound pieces created by the Educativo MCB team, under the guidance of educator Marcos Felinto, as a way of continuing its mediating vocation, even within a pandemic context, marked by social distancing . Each session addressed a specific theme presented from the mediation, editing and assembly of readings of texts, songs and audio messages sent by people invited to participate in the session.

Each episode was prepared with care to respect the multiplicity of life experiences and with this same sense of refinement, each session is intended as a sound environment, a space to enjoy home, time, intimacy and personal care.

Although the action has a therapeutic character, it does not propose a completely passive posture for the listener, on the contrary, it proposes body research exercises that intuitively suggest research practices about the house, dwelling and the sense of home, without losing sight of the many conflicts concerning the housing issue in our country.

During the months in which listening sessions were held, people linked to education, visual arts, music, psychology therapists, intellectuals, workers and workers from different areas, poets and student children were invited. With this multiplicity of perspectives and places of experience, we created the five themes covered during the sessions: time, silence, dreams, childhood and imagination, invisible.

The choice of themes respected issues that somehow surrounded the beginning of this unprecedented experience of home confinement that many, many of us went through during the COVID-19 pandemic.

_Content of the transmission (04/17/2020):
Poems by Clarice Lispector in the voices of: Aracy Balabanian, Lorelay Fox, Antonio Abujamra
Nils Frahm – My friend the Forest
Former Selves – Kindred Spirit
Cida Moreira – Lampião de Gás
Naná Vasconcelos – Africadeus
Gil and Caetano – Aboio
Opium Jukebox – Anarchy in UK
ZÉ de Teté – The Works of Nature.

_Content of the transmission (May 19, 2020):
Ruichi Sakamoto – mary christmas mr. Laurence
Brian Eno – wonderful sounds of nature
Teapot Teapot – the midwife
Field-song recording of frogs in the valley of utopia
lorena Hollander – Koto’s improvisation
Elis Regina singing her poem
Eddu Ferreira and Aryane Almeida – communication
Pai Meneco – greeting to the ngoma
Mãe Menininha do Gantois – aluijá de Xangô
Paulo Papaleo – improvisation with native flute
Flavia Mielnik – excerpts from Sertões – Veredas.

_Transmission Content (06/16/2020):
Bruno Fabrini Gold – improvisation in four
Boards of Canada – zoetrope
Isis Ariele – creative processes
Carolina Melo – reading of an excerpt from the book O mundo de Sofia
Night field recording, with crickets and cicadas
Flávia Mielnik – dream report
Bitchin Bajas – you will soon discover how truly fortunate you really are
Rational Mcs – I’m more you
Mariana Serri – reading of an excerpt from the work David’s fall from heaven
Herbert Flores – antarite,
Mariana Serri – Reading an excerpt from a study note by Akira Kurosawa for the film Sonhos
FU NA & Huang Jiang Quin – snowster point mobile dog.
We ended with a dream popouri with Gil, Luis Tatit Zeca Baleiro,
Milton Nascimento, Alceu Valença, Gerson King Combo and Finally Dona
Ivone Lara with My Dream.

_Transmission Content (07/21/2020):
Carolina Melo – reading excerpts from the book Diário de Bitita and reading excerpts from the work how to educate feminist children.
Mariana Serri – reading of the Ecuadorian short story Maria Angula and reading of excerpts from the work A child o toy and imagination.
Flavia mielnik – reflection on artistic creation processes and unlocking the imagination
Eddu Ferreira – sharing childhood memories
Conversation with children Martin, Benedita, Francisco, Miguel and Helena
The bad Plus- smells like teen spirit
Fabio Matu – improvisation with mbira
Super Mario Bros – 10b remix
Gomma Lakka – shut up boy
Egberto Gismont – clown

_Transmission Content (08/04/2020):
Carolina Melo – reading of nosotras tarot cards
Mariana Serri – reading excerpts from the work the secret life of trees
Desirrê Helissa – reflection on the invisibility of people with disabilities and reflection on dealing with the immaterial from within the Umbanda terreiro.
Pedro Aquino – reflection on psychology and dealing with the invisible
Sônia Guajajara – reflection on ecological activism
Foutth World Magazine – Insectlightduct Encounter
Steve Wonder – secret life of the plants
Alva Noto – uni asymmetric sweep

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Museu da Casa Brasileira
Av. Brig. Faria Lima, 2705 – Jardim Paulistano
Tel.: +55 (11) 3032.3727

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Tue. to sun. from 10am to 6pm

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