Myrna de Arruda Nascimento is coordinator of the judges of the Written Works category of the 35th MCB Design Award. Master and PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from FAU-USP, and also a Master in Communication Sciences from Faculdade Casper Líbero, Myrna is a professor and researcher in the Design department at FAU-USP, in Architecture and Design courses, and at Centro Universitário Senac , where he also coordinates the research group in Communication, Architecture and Design. Her research themes encompass teaching and experimentation, analogies between Design and Architecture, Project / Language / Representation, Communication / Space / Meaning, materialities in experimentation of their spatialities, and transdisciplinary studies aimed at representations of material and immaterial culture.
Agda Carvalho is a Post-Doctor in Arts from UNESP and in Digital Humanities from UFG. PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA-USP and Master in Visual Arts from UNESP. She is a professor and researcher at the Design course at Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia, where she is the leader of the LabDesign research group: Creative Processes, experience and innovation. She coordinated the project of Reconstitution of the Triadic Ballet of the Bauhaus-Centro Universitário Senac (2007-2009). She curated and organized the exhibition Sacilotto em Contextos, at Casa do Olhar Luiz Sacilotto (2013) and the exhibition João Suzuki: Fantasia Aprisionada, at Caixa Cultural (2012). He was a jury for the Museu da Casa Brasileira Award (2019 and 2021) and is part of the publications Design Contemporâneo (2005), Modos de Ver a Moda (2010), Sintonia da Moda (2010), Body and Clothing (2015), Dimensions: Arte_Design_Tecnologia ( 2020), and Conecta Cultura (2021).
Agnaldo Farias has a master’s degree in History from Unicamp and a PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from FAUUSP. He is currently a professor at the Department of History of Architecture and Aesthetics of the Project at FAUUSP. He was General Curator of the Oscar Niemeyer Museum, in Curitiba, General Curator of the Tomie Ohtake Institute and the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro. He was general curator of the 29th Bienal de São Paulo (2010), the 11th Bienal de Cuenca, Ecuador (2011) and the Brazilian Pavilion of the 54th edition of the Venice Biennale (2011). Received the “Best Retrospective” award from the São Paulo Association of Art Critics – APCA, 1994, for the Nelson Leirner Exhibition, and the Maria Eugênia Franco Award, from the Brazilian Association of Art Critics – ABCA, for the best curatorship of 2011.
Alécio Rossi holds a PhD in Architecture and Design from FAUUSP and a master’s degree in Media Communication from Unesp. He is currently a professor at PUC SP and coordinator of the development of new undergraduate and graduate courses at Centro Universitário Senac. He has experience in the field of Communication, with an emphasis on Graphic Design and works mainly with the following topics: educational innovation, communication, art, codes, branding, design, creation and production.
Ana Claudia Maynardes has a degree in Industrial Design from UFPR, with a master’s and doctorate in Arts from UnB. Currently, she is an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Design at UnB, and works in undergraduate courses and in the Graduate Program in Design. She is a lead researcher at the Design Development Laboratory Research Group (UnB / CNPq) which has four lines of research: Strategic Design and Innovation; Fashion/Jewelry Accessories Design; Furniture design; and Creative Economy. She has experience in the field of design, with an emphasis on product design, working mainly on the following topics: assistive design; cultural characteristics of Brazilian design; furniture design and jewelry design.
Ana Paula Coelho de Carvalho PhD student and Master in the area of concentration in Design and Architecture at FAUUSP. Architect and Urban Planner from the same institution. Specialist in Interior Design at Centro Universitário SENAC, where he currently coordinates the Postgraduate course in Interior Design. Coordinator of the Interior Design and Product Design courses at the Centro Universitário Belas Artes. Professor of the Design and Architecture courses at Universidade São Judas. Academic Vice-President of ABD. Professor of the Corporate Spaces emphasis at Neuroarq Academy. Author of the book O Ensino Paulistano de Design and researcher in the fields of design and architecture, mainly related to the history, character and work processes of these fields.
Anamaria Amaral Rezende Galeotti is an architect and designer. Postdoctoral fellow at FAUUSP. She is a professor at the Graphic Design and Digital Design courses at Universidade Anhembi Morumbi and a guest professor at the Architecture course and at the postgraduate course in Design at FAUUSP. She was a CAPES/Fulbright Scholar at the University of Michigan-Stamps School of Art and Design. She serves as a consultant on the use, trends and application of color in architecture, fashion and design. During 2021, she designed a chromatic installation in the Fábrica de Cultura de Diadema building and an Augmented Reality version.
Andréa de Souza Almeida holds a master’s degree in Communication and Arts from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and a PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA-USP. She taught for 27 years in design institutions in the capital of São Paulo, among them: UNG, Belas Artes, Senac and Mackenzie. She worked as a graphic designer in companies, offices and design agencies in the capital of São Paulo from 1986 to 1997. From 2010 to 2019, she participated as a jury for the written works of the Museu da Casa Brasileira Design Award.
Auresnede Pires Stephan holds a PhD in History, Theory and Teaching in Design from USP and a master’s degree in Education, Art and History of Culture from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. He is currently a professor of Ergonomics in the ESPM Design course, in addition to being a professor at FAAP, at Faculdade Santa Marcelina, educational advisor at the Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo, member of the board of the Uniemp Institute and member of the commission of the Association of Designers of Product. He has experience in the field of design in the academic segment, also acting as a consultant on projects and as a curator and coordinator of awards and design shows.
Cecilia Arbolave is an Argentine journalist graduated from the Universidad Austral (Buenos Aires) and post-graduated from the Brazilian Academy of Literary Journalism (São Paulo). She is an editor at Lote 42, one of the founders of Banca Tatuí, a space for independent publications, and organizes the Miolo(s) fair at the Mário de Andrade Library. In 2017, she was a jury for the Jabuti Award in the Comics category.
Cibele Haddad Taralli is a graduate, master and doctor in Architecture and Urbanism from FAUUSP. She is currently a professor at the Graduate Program in Design, PPGDesign at FAUUSP. She has experience in the fields of Architecture; Urbanism and Design, working in teaching and research mainly on the following topics: architecture, product design, social and service design; design and teaching; design and material culture; Industrial draw; research and design methodology, processes and procedures; manufacturing and assembly of products in design and architecture; and language and representation in architecture and design.
Clice de Toledo Sanjar Mazzilli has a degree, master’s and doctorate from FAUUSP. Associate Professor at the Design Department at FAUUSP, where she has been teaching since 2001. She is vice coordinator of the Visual Design Research Laboratory (LabVisual); leader of the Research Group (CNPq) Design, Environment and Interfaces; coordinator of the Double Diploma agreement between FAUUSP (Design Course) and Politecnico di Milano (Scuola del Design); didactic coordinator of the Technical Section of Editorial Production. She has experience in the areas of Design, Architecture and Art, working mainly on the following topics: creation processes in design, graphic and environmental visual languages, visual narratives, environmental design, design of playful spaces, image book design.
Cyntia Santos Malaguti de Sousa has a PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from FAUUSP. Currently, she is a professor-researcher at FAUUSP, along with the undergraduate design course and the graduate design program. She has professional experience in the field of Industrial Design and develops research related to the following topics: design for sustainability, design management and material culture.
David Sperling has a PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from FAUUSP and a Master’s in Architecture and Urbanism from the School of Engineering of São Carlos at USP. He is a professor at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism at USP and coordinator of the Center for the Study of Contemporary Spatialities at the IAU-USP (NEC-IAU / USP). He was a guest professor at Leuphana University (Germany), in 2017, and at the Universidad Nacional do Litoral (Argentina), in 2014. He exhibited projects, visual works and cartographic projects at the IV, X and XI Architecture Biennials of São Paulo and at the Storefront for Art and Architecture (NYC). He curated the exhibitions “Homo Faber 2.0: Politics of Digital in Latin America” (2018) and “Homo Faber: Digital Fabrication in Latin America” (2015). He works mainly with the following themes: space, technology and culture; interfaces between contemporary architecture and art; cartographies and mappings; design processes and computer technologies.
Débora Carammaschi is an Interdisciplinary Master in Education, Art and History of Culture from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and a specialist in History of Clothing and Fashion and Teacher Training, with an emphasis on Personal Image from Senac. As a guest professor, she teaches at institutions such as Senac, SESC, Faculdade Boa Viagem, IESB / BR and Anhembi Morumbi. She is a writer and columnist for the magazine dObra[s]. She participated in the editing of the book Bonita Maria do Capitão, finalist for the Jabuti 2012 award. She has been a professor at the Istituto Europeo Di Design since 2008, in the Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion Design, Product Design and Service and in the Fashion Marketing and Communication.
Débora Gigli Buonano has a PhD and a master’s degree in Education, Art and History of Culture from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. She interned at Gray Art Gallery-New York University and National Gallery of Art, Washington-DC. She was a technical assistant at MASP’s Collection and Cultural Development Coordination. Currently, she is an undergraduate and graduate professor at the Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo. She was a professor at Universidade São Judas Tadeu, SENAC, FM, FAITER and IED-European Institute of Design. She was also a collaborating professor at FAUUSP.She has experience in the field of Arts, with an emphasis on History of Art, History of Design, and Aesthetics of Art. Acting mainly on the following subjects: History, Art, Design, Collecting and Aesthetics.
Denize Roma holds a degree in Visual Communication from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and a master’s degree in Education, Art and History of Culture from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. She is currently a professor at Centro Universitário Senac.
Eduardo Augusto Costa holds a PhD in History from Unicamp, having completed a sandwich doctorate at the University of Coimbra (Portugal). He is a professor at the Department of History of Architecture and Aesthetics of the Project, a group of disciplines on History of Design and at the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at FAUUSP. He leads the Research Group Archives, sources, narratives: between city, architecture and design (CNPq) and coordinates the research “Visual Culture and Intellectual History: Archives and collections of architecture”. He has experience in the History of Design and Architecture, with an emphasis on Visual Culture, Intellectual History and Heritage.
Eleida Pereira de Camargo holds a degree in Industrial Design from FAAP, a specialist in Analytical Art Therapy from FMU, a master’s degree from FAUUSP, a PhD from UNIFESP and a post-doctorate from FAUUSP, researching Neuroesthetics applied to Information Design. She works as a university professor, developing curricular components related to Visual Programming, Research Methodology and Graphic Production. She has experience in the field of design, with an emphasis on packaging, editorial, educational and recreational material, information design and health products.
Eneida de Almeida holds a PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from FAUUSP and a Master’s in Studio and Restauro dei Monumenti from Università Degli Studi di Roma. She is a professor at São Judas Tadeu University, working in the undergraduate, master’s and doctoral programs in Architecture and Urbanism. She is co-editor of the electronic journal arq.urb of the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at Universidade São Judas Tadeu (PGAUR / USJT). She coordinates the CNPq Research Group Architecture, Preexistence, Restoration, integrates the CUAL-Common Urban Research Group in Latin America, based at UFPR and is a researcher at the Anima Institute. She is a member of the Municipal Council for the Preservation of Historical, Cultural and Environmental Heritage of the City of São Paulo (CONPRESP), representative of the Institute of Architects of Brazil, Department of São Paulo (IAB-SP), term 2020-2023. She has experience in Architecture and Urbanism with an emphasis on History and Preservation of Architecture.
Fanny Schroeder has a master’s degree in architectural design and a PhD in interior architecture from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. She is the author of the book Interiores da Casa Brasileira: artefact, genre and space published by Altamira Editorial (2019). Professor in undergraduate and graduate courses in Architecture and Urbanism, Design and Interior Design, currently a professor at Universidade São Judas Tadeu (USJT-SP). Ad hoc referee in the evaluation of journals from the Scientific Electronic Library Online – SciELO Brasil. Partner at Grandi Schroeder Studio | Architecture and Furniture Design.
Fernando Guillermo Vázquez Ramos holds a PhD from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and a master’s degree in Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts from the Instituto de Estética y Theory of the Arts (Madrid). He is coordinator of the Postgraduate program and adjunct professor of the Architecture and Urbanism course at Universidade São Judas Tadeu. Leader of the Research Group (CNPq) Architecture and the City: Representations. He was co-editor of the academic electronic journal arq.urb (2010-2019). He develops research works in the following fields: architectural representation (analog and digital), relations between art and architecture, relations between theory and practice of architectural design, heritage of modern architecture in São Paulo.
Grace Kishimoto is a professor and researcher at Mackenzie Presbyterian University in the design course. She is a member of the research group “Design, Theory and Project” at FAU-Mackenzie. Master in Design, CAPES scholarship, by Universidade Anhembi Morumbi. Bachelor in Industrial Design with Product Skills, by Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. She works as a design consultant. She teaches courses in the areas of Product Design and Communication. She works mainly on the following topics: jewelry, packaging, toys and graphic production.
Gustavo Curcio is a professor and researcher at the Design Department at FAUUSP. He has a postdoctoral degree in Design and Architecture from FAUUSP and 15 years of experience in editorial, visual programming, art direction, photography direction and writing/advertising direction. He is on the editorial board of the magazines Arquitetura e Urbanismo and Téchne. He is a member of the scientific board of ArqXP | Innovative Experiences in Construction.
Gustavo Piqueira is a graphic artist, designer, illustrator, researcher and writer, his production develops around the intersections between languages and categories. Sometimes establishing new articulations, sometimes blurring already established boundaries. Heading the Casa Rex studio, he has received more than 500 national and international design awards. He also published more than 40 books composed of the most diverse narrative systems – visual, verbal and material, almost all of them not very orthodox. In the same way, his graphic work abuses the free mixture of both digital and analog processes; both manual and industrial. It is, moreover, in the free flow of these flows that it is established.
Jethero Cardoso de Miranda holds a master’s degree in Communication from Universidade Paulista. He is currently coordinator and professor of the postgraduate course in Interior Design at FAAP, Visual Merchandising in the Fashion Design course, the Fundamentals of Space discipline in the Design course at FAAP, and the Interior Design course at the University Center of Fine Arts of São Paulo. He is part of the Deliberative Council of the Brazilian Association of Interior Designers where he holds the position of advisor.
João Yamamoto holds a degree and a master’s degree in Architecture and Urbanism from FAUUSP, where he is currently developing his doctoral research. Since 2016, he has been a professor in the bachelor’s degree courses in Design and Architecture and Urbanism at Centro Universitário Senac. Between 2008 and 2021, he collaborated with several architects and architectural firms, such as MMBB, Paulo Mendes da Rocha, GRUPOSP, REPUBLICA and CENTRO. He has been working in parallel since 2002 in the areas of graphic and product design.
José Roberto D’Elboux has a PhD in Science (Design Program) and a Master’s in Architecture and Urbanism from FAUUSP. Received an Honorable Mention at the USP 2020 Tese Destaque Award in the area of Applied Social Sciences and an Honorable Mention at the 32nd Museu da Casa Brasileira Design Award, in the Unpublished Written Works category, with the research Letters and signs: manifestations of art deco in São Paulo’s architectural projects ( 1925-1955). He has more than 30 years of professional experience in the field of Communication, having served as Art Director and Creative Director at advertising agencies Y & R, Africa, Leo Burnett, Publicis and DPZ.
Leandro Velloso has a degree in Architecture and Urbanism, with a doctorate in Design from FAUUSP. He is a professor at the FAUUSP Project Department. Coordinator of the research ‘Infovis for Public Health: Systematization of Visualization Design for Monitoring and Evaluation’, carried out in partnership with the Brazilian Ministry of Health and funded by the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO). Member of the research groups (CNPq) Design, Environment and Interfaces (DAI), Design in Action (DeA), Design for Health and the Brazilian Society for Information Design (SBDI).
Luciana Chen holds a master’s and a doctorate in Communication and Semiotics from PUC-SP, specialist in Museology from CEMMAE/USP. Since 1996, she has been developing non-formal education projects in cultural and museum institutions. She works as a professor in undergraduate courses, is a member of the NDE of the Fashion Design course and coordinates the Postgraduate course in Audiovisual Art Direction at Centro Universitário SENAC. She researches the interactions between public and two-dimensional, three-dimensional and virtual productions for the development of materials, objects and actions.
Manoel Evangelista dos Santos Júnior is a graphic designer with a degree in Industrial Design from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and an MBA in Branding – Brand Management from Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco. Since 1995, he has worked as an editorial designer, and has created dozens of book covers, editorial graphic projects and visual identities for numerous collections. He leads the OFÁ Design studio, whose focus is the publishing market, in the development of physical books in the Business, University and Legal segments, among others. He also develops OEDs (Digital Educational Objects), and Brand Identity.
Marcelo José Oliveira Farias holds a Master’s and a PhD in Communication and Semiotics at PUC SP, postgraduate in Design Management at Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” (Italy), in Technological Innovation Agent at Tiradentes University – UNIT in partnership with ABIPTI and in Design from the Centro de Diseño Industrial – CDI/FADU (Uruguay). He is a professor of the Design and Fashion courses at FAAP, professor of the Bachelor of Design and Technology in Production and Multimedia courses at Centro Universitário Senac and guest professor at Sustentare Business School in Joinville / SC. He worked as coordinator of the graphic and product design course at FAAP, professor of the undergraduate and graduate courses at the Istituto Europeo di Design – IED, the postgraduate course in Creative Design Business at the Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia – IMT and the design course at Tiradentes University – UNIT. He managed the Via Design Program at SEBRAE (2002-2005) and coordinated the training program in strategic design at IED Centro Ricerche (2005-2008) in São Paulo. Currently, he develops studies, research and projects in the areas of Strategic Design; Design Management; Creation and Innovation Processes; Communication and Semiotics, within the scope of teaching and professional design practice.
Marcia Gregori is a post-doctoral fellow at FAUUSP and a researcher at the Museum/Heritage Group (GMP) at the same institution. She is a professor at the Faculty of Communication and Design (FCD) of the Oswaldo Cruz Group. PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from FAU-Mackenzie and Master in Architecture and Urbanism from FAUUSP. She investigates the dominant and forgotten representations in the urban territory of São Paulo and the constitution of the city’s imaginary, within the scope of cultural history, with an emphasis on memory, representation and urban mobility. She was a municipal participatory councilor (2013-2015) and between 2013 and 2017 was part of the Urban Mobility Working Group of the Butantã Network, in which she coordinated discussions on collective transport and urban mobility in São Paulo. She teaches at the Faculty of Communication and Design of the Oswaldo Cruz Group, where she teaches Research Methodology and Observation Design.
Marcos Fruet Palhares holds a degree in Public Administration from FGV, a specialization in Strategic Packaging Management from ESPM, a master’s degree in MSc in Management Research from the University of Oxford and a master’s degree in Administration from FEA USP. He is currently a professor at Centro Universitário Senac. He has experience in the field of Administration, with an emphasis on Business Administration. Acting mainly on the following topics: packaging, green marketing, sustainability, recycling.
Maria Cecilia Loschiavo holds a master’s and a doctorate in philosophy from FFLCH-USP, obtained the title of professor at FAUUSP. She is a professor of Design at FAUUSP and a Research Productivity Scholar at CNPq. She works as advisor in the postgraduate program in Design at FAUUSP. She was a postdoctoral fellow and visiting professor at the University of California, Los Angeles; School of Public Policy and Social Research (1995-1997); Nihon University, Tokyo (1999); Center Canadien d’Architecture, Montreal (2001), University of California, Los Angeles; School of Public Affairs (2007-2008). She was a visiting researcher at Waseda University, Tokyo (2001); Tokyo Zokey University (2006); Indian Habitat Center, New Delhi (2006); Tama Art University (2008), University of Tokyo (2009); Loughborough University (2012); San Francisco State University (2012), University of Boras (2013), University of South Australia (2015) and (2018); Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (2016); Jönköping University and Träcentrum, Nässö, Sweden, (2017). She has experience in the field of Design, with an emphasis on the following topics: design, design for sustainability, Brazilian design, social design, socio-spatial exclusion, homeless people, recyclable collectors.
Miriam Pappalardo she has a degree in Architecture and Urbanism and a Masters in Design from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo; Specialization in graphic design, Centro Universitário Maria Antonia USP; Technical course in clothing, Senai SP; she studied jewelry at Senai SP and also participates in numerous workshops in different countries. She has received awards and participates in national and international exhibitions. She teaches experimental jewelry workshops in Brazil and abroad, organizes workshops with jewelry artists from different countries. He curates exhibitions such as: “Aquilo que Abraça: Joalheria Contemporânea Brasileira” and “De Mãos Dadas: a collection of rings and pieces for the hands”, Brazil and Argentina, both being part of the Latin American Biennial of Joyería Contemporánea; retrospective exhibition “10 Years of JoyaBrava”, Chile. She develops projects in the field of fashion, jewelry and textiles. It is part of the Broca Group of contemporary jewelry.
Nara Sílvia Marcondes Martins is a post-doctoral fellow in Visual Arts at the Faculty of Fine Arts-University of Lisbon, a PhD in Architecture and Urbanism at FAUUSP and a Master’s in Visual Arts at IAUNESP. She works as an adjunct research professor in the undergraduate Design course at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. She currently coordinates the FAU-UPM Design Graduate course, was Assistant Academic Support Coordinator and Lato Sensu Graduate Coordinator in Architecture and Design FAU-UPM. She is the leader of the research group certified by CNPq: Design, Theory and Project since 2000. She has experience in the area of Design, Communication, History and Theory of Design and Visual Arts. She has research that discusses the context and trends of contemporary design, emotional design, socio-environmental design and creative economy. She is president of Associação Design Possível.
Nelson José Urssi is a teacher, Designer and Architect. Doctor in Design and Architecture from FAUUSP and Master in Communication and Arts from ECA. He is a university professor and coordinates the Bachelors in Design, Digital Design and Graphic Design at Centro Universitário Senac. A project professional, he investigates information technologies and the human experience in a city full of data. He is a member of the Digital Technologies Applied to Project research group and the Apple Developer Academy as a design mentor at Centro Universitário Senac.
Norberto Gaudêncio Junior is a graphic designer, professor and researcher at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. He is coordinator of Continuing Education at the Center for Communication and Letters (CCL) at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. He is the author of the books The Sculptural Heritage of Typography and Graphic Culture. He was the curator and author of the catalog text for the exhibition “See Illustrious Passenger: Atelier Mirga and the tram posters”, held at Instituto Tomie Ohtake (2011). He signs the column “Cultura Gráfica” published in the magazine Tecnologia Gráfica. Master in Education, Art and History of Culture from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Doctor in Education, Art and History of Culture from the Mackenzie Presbyterian University, with an internship at the Université Paris Descartes – Sorbonne.
Olavo Egydio de Souza Aranha holds a degree in Industrial Design from Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (1987) and a Master’s in Industrial Design from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design (United Kingdom, 1993), he teaches at the Design course at FAU-Mackenzie. He worked in automotive, graphic, white line, brown line and lighting design.
Priscila Farias is a designer, professor at FAUUSP and a Research Productivity fellow at CNPq. She coordinates the Visual Design Research Laboratory (LabVisual). She works as a visiting professor and researcher at international institutions such as the University of the Arts London, University of Brighton and Università IUAV di Venezia. She is editor-in-chief of the scientific journal InfoDesign, a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Design History and The Design Journal, and a reviewer for many other publications, events and funding agencies in Brazil and abroad. His research interests involve typography, type design, lettering in the urban landscape, information design, design history, and design as cultural heritage.
Ralf Flores holds a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) and a Master’s in Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism from the School of Engineering of São Carlos, University of São Paulo (EESC/USP). Coordinator of the University Extension Activities Committee, coordinator of the Education We Want Work Front and as a professor of the Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture and Urbanism and the Bachelor’s Degree in Audiovisual at Centro Universitário SENAC. He has multidisciplinary teaching experience in the Bachelors in Visual Arts, Architecture and Urbanism, Audiovisual, Design (Industrial, Graphic, Fashion), Advertising and Propaganda, and in the Technologist in Interior Design and Technologist in Multimedia Production courses.
Romero Tori is an engineer, doctor and professor at USP. He is currently a professor at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo and develops research on virtual and augmented reality applied to education and health. He coordinates the development of the VIDA Nursing environment (virtual reality simulator for blood collection training) in partnership with the USP Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing. Chair for Latin America of the Immersive Learning Research Network (ILRN), in the 2020 and 2021 editions. He participated in the panel of international experts that gave rise to the publication “State of XR & Immersive Learning 2021 Report”. Collaborator and/or consultant in research and innovation in immersive technologies applied to education with startups. The most frequent terms in the context of its scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: Graphic Computing, Design, Virtual Reality, Multimedia, Hypermedia, Interactive Virtual Education, Education, Educational Technology, Distance Education and Computer games. Creator and curator of the blog “Education without Distance” (
Rosana Vasques holds a PhD from FAUUSP, with a sandwich period at the Aalto University School of Business (Finland), Master in Design from UFPR, Specialist in Furniture Design – Project and Management, from UTFPR and Bachelor in Industrial Design with qualification in Product Design from UFPR She is a professor at the Design Department at FAUUSP, a researcher at InovaUSP and a visiting scholar at the Institute for Design Innovation-Loughborough University London. She also serves as a consultant in design research, service design and entrepreneurship. Research interests: design and sustainability; consumption (Consumer Culture Theory); shared use; sharing economy; service design, entrepreneurship and creative economy.
Sara Miriam Goldchmit is a professor at the Design Department at FAUUSP. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism, with a master’s and doctorate in Design, also from FAUUSP. She is accredited in the Graduate Program in Design at FAUUSP. Member of the Design Research Society (DRS) and the Brazilian Society for Information Design (SBDI). Leader of the Design and Innovation in Health Research Group (CNPq) and coordinator of the Design for Health Research Laboratory. Areas of interest and expertise: design for healthcare, information design, user-centered design, visual design.
Sueli Garcia has a PhD in Education, Art and History of Culture from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and a Master’s in Communication from UNIP. Currently, she is a professor and coordinator of the undergraduate courses in Interior Design and Product Design, postgraduate courses in Interior Design and the Masters in Architecture, Urbanism and Design at the Centro Universitário Belas Artes-SP. She is the author of the books Architecture of the Scenographic Space (2011) and Art and Culture in Fashion as Fundamentals of Contemporary Dress (2014). She is Vice-President of Academic at ABD – Brazilian Association of Interior Designers. Since 2010 she is head and co-founder of the P.O.Box Design office, a company that develops Trends, Visual Merchandising, Commercial Products and Interiors, through Projects and Consulting, and has two awards in the area in 2018 and 2019.
Tatiana Sakurai is a researcher, undergraduate and graduate professor at the Design Department (AUP) at FAUUSP. She holds a degree and a master’s degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of São Carlos-IAU-USP. Doctor by the Graduate Program at FAUUSP. She has carried out postdoctoral research at the Center for Neighborhood Knowledge linked to the UCLA Department of Urban Planning at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs (2019-2020). She has experience in the areas of Industrial Design and Architecture, working mainly on the following topics: domestic furniture, interior architecture, design for experience, sustainability.
Teresa Maria Riccetti is a professor and researcher at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, in the Design course. PhD in Sciences from UNIFESP. Master in Architecture and Urbanism from FAUUSP. In the period 1990/91, she was a member of the design team at the Brazilian Design Laboratory-LBDI / CNPq (Florianópolis, SC). Improvement in Design Director at Domus Academy, Milan (1992). She was a professor in the undergraduate and graduate courses in Design at FAAP from 1994-2016. She is deputy leader of the research group: Design, Theory and Project; works in the field of design in the areas of products with an emphasis on furniture and domestic landscape; teaching and methodology.
Zuleica Schincariol is a graphic designer, architect, teacher and researcher. She holds a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from FAUUSP, a specialization in Art Museum Studies from MAC-USP and a master’s degree in Architecture and Urbanism from FAUUSP. She is a professor and researcher at the Design Course at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, a member of the Design, Art, Languages and Processes research group. She has experience in the field of design, with an emphasis on visual programming, working mainly on the following topics: graphic design, editorial design, typography, environmental graphic design and design history.