
Teresa Riccetti – coordinator
Professor and researcher at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in the Design course. PhD in Sciences by UNIFESP (2009). Master in Architecture and Urbanism from FAUUSP (1999); Bachelor of Industrial Design from Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (1989). In the period 1990/91 she was a member of the design team of the Brazilian Design Laboratory-LBDI / CNPq (Florianópolis, SC). Improvement in Director Design by Domus Academy, Milan (1992). Professor in the undergraduate and graduate courses in Design, at the Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation (1994-2016). She is vice-leader of the research group: Design, Theory and Design; operates in the areas of design and teaching and product design with an emphasis on furniture and the domestic landscape.


Agda Carvalho
Visual artist and curator. Post Doctorate in Digital Humanities at Media Lab – UFG. Post-Doctorate in Arts – UNESP Arts Institute. PhD in Communication Sciences – School of Communications and Arts at USP. Master in Visual Arts – UNESP Arts Institute. Professor and researcher at Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia, where he coordinates the project Entre Derivas: Design e Conectividade Integrates the publications Contemporary Design (2005), Modes de Ver a Moda (2010), Sintonia da Moda (2010), Corpo e Vestimenta (2015), Fashion and Historicity (2018) and Dimensions: Art, design and technology (2020). She develops research and projects that deal with Design / Art, Body / dress and Design / body / technology. Member of ANPAP – National Association of Researchers in Plastic Arts. She was a member of the Anpap Board (2017-2018). Representative of ANPAP in the State of São Paulo 2020-2021. He coordinated the Bauhaus Triadic Ballet Reconstitution Project at Senac (2007-2009.). She is a member of the GIIP Research Group – International and Interinstitutional Research Group on Convergences between Art, Science and Technology of the Unesp Institute of Arts. Participation in national and international exhibitions.


Alécio Rossi
PhD in Architecture and Design by FAUUSP (2018) with the thesis Design, Art and Consumption in which she analyzes strategies of fashion brands for communication and design. He holds a degree in Portuguese and Italian Literature (1985) and a master’s degree in Media Communication from UNESP (2005). He studied Fine Arts at ECA-USP. Research in the areas: Communication, Arts and Design. He is currently a professor at PUC SP and coordinator of the development of new undergraduate and graduate courses at Centro Universitário Senac. He has experience in the area of Communication, with an emphasis on Graphic Design, working mainly with the following themes: educational innovation, communication, art, codes, brand, design, creation and production.


Alexandre Penedo
Urban Architect with a doctorate from FAU/USP (2008), master’s degree from ESSC/USP (2001) and graduation from the University of Vale do Paraíba (1995). His undergraduate work was transformed into the book “Modern Architecture: São José dos Campos” (1998), and his master’s and doctoral research was awarded the Museu da Casa Brasileira Design Prize. He teaches and develops research on photography, Brazilian modern architecture and national and international furniture design. Studies and develops sectoral intelligence projects and urban interventions in the field of Creative Economy. He has experience in startup ecosystems since 2005, founder of two technology-based companies, trained in entrepreneurship. He currently coordinates the startup Persona Decora, which offers a recommendation system combining the consumer’s personality type and the style of objects and environment, using artificial neural networks (Deep Learning). It has an educational portal on modern furniture on Instagram.


Ana Claudia Maynardes
Adjunct professor at the University of Brasilia. Member of the Design Department, in which she works in undergraduate and graduate courses as a teacher and researcher in the area of Design, Culture and Materiality. She investigates themes related to design, materiality and daily life, and their relationship with memory, cultural expression, environment and inclusion.


Ana Paula Calvo
Teacher and researcher at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in the Design and Architecture and Urbanism courses, member of the groups “Design, Art, Languages ​​and Processes” and “Urban Questions: Design, Architecture, Planning and Landscape”. Master in Education, Art and History of Culture from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Bachelor of History at PUC/SP. She works as a teacher and audiovisual director in conjunction with the fields of art, architecture and design. He made “Memories of Casa da Rua Santa Cruz”, among others. It works mainly on the following themes: history of art and design, audiovisual, neighborhood plan and participatory process.


Ana Paula Coelho de Carvalho
Master in the area of concentration in Design and Architecture by FAUUSP and architect by the same institution. She specializes in Interior Design at Centro Universitário SENAC / SP, where she currently coordinates the postgraduate course in Interior Design. Teacher of the same course and Commercial Architecture. Professor of the Corporate Spaces module at Neuroarq @ Academy. Experience in developing building projects, interior design and visual communication for corporate, commercial and residential spaces in collaboration with architecture and design offices, areas in which she is also a researcher.


Anamaria Amaral Rezende
Graduated, master and doctor in Architecture and Design from FAUUSP, Anamaria also has a specialization in Communication and Education from Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (1998). Since 2020 she is a Pos Doc researcher at FAUUSP in the area of Architecture and Design, and her research involves Color as a language and technology for Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality. She has been a professor in higher education courses in Communication, Architecture and Design for 25 years and is currently the coordinator of the Graphic Design and Digital Design courses at Universidade Anhembi Morumbi. She was a finalist in the 29th Design MCB Award, in the Unpublished Written Works category, with her thesis “Foam, a possible model for the language elements of audiovisual design and their relationships”. She is a member of the International Color Association (IAC) Study Group on Color Education and the scientific committee of PRO COR Brasil. She is a managing partner of G + R Gestão Design where she advises and gives workshops in Color.


Andréa de Souza Almeida
Graduated in Industrial Design at Sociedade Universitária de Santos (1986), Master in Communication and Arts at Mackenzie University (1998), and PhD in Communication Sciences at USP’s School of Communication and Arts (2005). She spent 27 years teaching at design institutions in the capital of São Paulo, among them: UNG, Belas Artes, Senac and Mackenzie University, where she developed research with an emphasis on design teaching and culture. Andréa has experience in the field of Visual Communication, working in companies such as: Indesign, Cauduro Martino, Made in Brasil, Graphic Designers and Caso Design, in consumer packaging and corporate identity projects. Since 2010 she has participated in the jury of written works for the Design MCB Award.


Auresnede Pires Stephan
Graduated in Industrial Design from FAAP (1970), Bachelor in Advertising from ESPM (1970), Master in Art, Education and Culture from Mackenzie (2007) and PhD in Design from FAUUSP (2015-2019). He is currently a professor in the Fashion course at Faculdade Santa Marcelina and ESPM. He has been a judge on several editions of the Design MCB Award, in addition to having participated in the jury of the IDEA Award, Abilux Award, in the Large Packaging Cases Award (2006-2020) of the packaging magazine. He was a consultant in three editions of the Odebrecht-Braskem-Tramontina Design Challenge, four editions of the Sebrae-Minas Award, Tok & Stok Award for University Design (2005 – current), as well as assistant curator of the 1st and 2nd Brazilian Design Biennials (São Paulo and Brasília), curator of the Young Designers Exhibition in all 6 editions ADP (Association of Product Designers) and member of the administrative board of the Museu da Casa Brasileira. He also coordinates the Collection 10 Cases of Brazilian Design by Blücher. He participated in the publication of the book Dez Essays on Graphic Memory, organized by Marcos da Costa Braga and Priscila Lena Farias and published by Editora Blucher, a work that won an award at the 33rd Design MCB Award in 2019.


Célio Teodorico
Bachelor in Industrial Design from the Federal University of Paraíba (1983). Master in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1998), in the area of ​​Design and Product Management. Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering, in the area of ​​Mechanical Systems Design at UFSC – Federal University of Santa Catarina (2009). He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Design at the State University of Santa Catarina. He has experience in Industrial Design, acting on the following subjects: Research in Design, Industrial Design, Design Thinking, Ergonomics, consulting in the development of electronic products, hospital equipment, special projects and furniture. Researcher in Methodological Prospects in Design, Product Language, Ubiquitous and Perphasive Technology and Assistive Technology, Ergonomic Research, Representational Methods for Design Teaching, Research in Interaction Design. He is an Associate Professor at Udesc.


Cibele Haddad Taralli
Now an architect, she is a Senior Professor at the Design Department and the Postgraduate Program in Design at FAUUSP. She works in teaching and research in the areas of Architecture and Design, mainly in the themes: product design, social design, teaching and service; design and environment; design and research processes and procedures; project methodology; manufacture and assembly of products in design and architecture; language and representation in design and products; architecture and industry.

Clarissa Paulillo
Architect and urban planner graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo, with a master’s degree from the same institution in the area of ​​Design
and Architecture. Her dissertation won 1st place in the 31st Design Prize of the Museu da Casa Brasileira in the category “Written works – unpublished”. He is a professor in the undergraduate courses in Architecture and Urbanism, Design and Interior Design at Universidade Paulista and post-graduated at Centro Universitário Belas Artes. He has worked with research on the following themes: domestic space, material culture, design, history of architecture and the city.


Claudia Facca
Designer, researcher, master and doctor in design (with “sandwich” period in Portugal). Claudia currently works as a professor and coordinator of the Undergraduate and Graduate courses in Design at the University Center of the Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia and is also responsible for the Design area of the Research Center. There are over 30 years of teaching and professional experience in the area of Design, having worked mainly in the area of product development: appliances, automobiles, electronics, packaging, furniture, toys and graphics. His main areas of research interest are: Project Methodology, Design Research, Teaching and Learning in Design and Engineering, Multi, inter and transdisciplinarity, Active Learning Strategies, Design Thinking, Education and Culture Maker, Digital Fabrication, Fab Labs, between others.


Clice de Toledo Sanjar Mazzilli
Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism at FAUUSP (1984), where she also did a master’s degree (1993), doctorate (2003) and self-teaching (2015) in the area of Visual Programming. She taught at the Unesp Institute of Arts (1997 to 2006) and is currently a professor in the Design Department at FAUUSP, where she teaches since 2001. She coordinates the Postgraduate Program in Design and the Laboratory of Graphic Programming (LPG); she was coordinator of the undergraduate course in Design (2006 to 2009) and vice-coordinator (2011 to 2013). She gathers experience in the areas of Design, Architecture and Art, acting mainly on the themes: editorial design, environmental design, photography, design creation processes, experimental processes and language.

Cristiane Aun Bertoldi
Professor at the Project Department at FAU-USP (Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo) since 2008. She holds a Ph.D. in Architecture and Urbanism from FAU-USP (2005) in the area of ​​Design and Architecture, master’s degree in Architecture and Urbanism from FAU-USP (2000) in the area of ​​Urban Environmental Structures and holds a degree in Fine Arts from ECA USP – School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (1991). She is one of the coordinators of the Design in Action research group: a research group on design and its contemporary contexts. His work in the design area is focused on product and service design and on the process of creation, models and prototypes and development of materials for design, involving ceramics, furniture, device and equipment projects aimed at education, health and well-being.


Cyntia Malaguti
Graduated in Design by the School of Industrial Design – UERJ (1980) and PhD in architecture and urbanism by FAUUSP (2000), Cyntia is a professor-researcher in the design course and in the graduate program in design at FAUUSP. She specializes in Design and Design Management for Sustainability and develops research that covers topics such as reverse logistics, material culture, raw materials for design, studies of the future and innovation.


Daniele Cristine de Carvalho Joukhadar
Graduated in Industrial Design with specialization in Visual Programming (1999), Master in Education, Art and History of Culture (2004) by Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in which she is a professor and researcher in the undergraduate courses in Design, Advertising and Propaganda. She was a collaborating professor in the Latto Sensu course in Visual Communication and Fashion Image at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Graphic Design at SENAC and Interior Design at Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado. She has been in the market for 22 years, focusing on Brand Design, Branding, Retail Design and Corporate Communication ahead of the Communication Element.

Debora Carammaschi
Specialist in design, fashion and contemporary culture research. Interdisciplinary Master in Education, Art and History of Culture with a focus on philosophy and education. Specialist in Clothing and Fashion History. Writer and teacher. Articulator and facilitator in educational policies and human resources management. He was a member of the National Council for Cultural Policies – CNPC-MinC /Setorial de Design.


Débora Gigli Buonano
Master and PhD in Education Art and History of Culture by Mackenzie. She worked professionally at the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo and at MASP. She received a scholarship from the Vitae Foundation at the National Gallery of Art Washington – DC and works as a professor of Art History, History of Exhibitions and History of Design, at the Centro Universitário Belas Artes in São Paulo and at the IED-European Design Institute.


Deborah Christo
Designer, professor and researcher who studies the relationship between Design, Art and Fashion. She holds a PhD and Master in Design from PUC-Rio and a designer graduated from ESDI/UERJ. She is currently adjunct professor at the Department of Industrial Design at EBA-UFRJ. Acted as coordinator and professor in technological, undergraduate and graduate courses related to Design and Fashion at SENAI/CETIQT, PUC-Rio, UVA-RJ and IED-Rio. She is the author of the book “Structure and Functioning of the Field of Production of Clothing Objects in Brazil”, in addition to having several publications in books, magazines, conference proceedings and symposiums in the field of design and fashion.

Denise Dantas
Architect graduated from FAUUSP (1986), with specialization in Industrial Design from Scuola Politecnica di Design di Milano (1990). She completed a master’s degree in Architecture and Urbanism from USP (1998) and a doctorate at the same institution (2005), always with research in the field of Product Design. She is currently a professor of Product Design in the Design course at FAUUSP and also in graduate school, in the area of Design and Architecture. Still at USP, she coordinates LabDesign, the Product Design and Built Environment Laboratory, which maintains partnerships with international institutions such as the Politecnico di Milano. She has experience in the area of Industrial Design, with an emphasis on product design, acting mainly on the themes: human-centered design, packaging design, inclusive design, toy design.

Eduardo Augusto Costa
Professor at the Department of Architectural History and Aesthetics of the Project, he is a professor at the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at FAU-USP, where he develops research linked to FAPESP’s Young Researcher Program. He leads the Research Group ‘Archives, sources, narratives: between city, architecture and design’ (CNPq), having published several books on Visual Culture, in which ‘Visual Culture & History’ stands out (2016, Alameda). He won the XI Funarte Marc Ferrez Photography Award and the ProAC/14 of the State Secretariat for Culture of the Government of São Paulo.

Eduardo Camillo Kasparevicis Ferreira
Graduated designer, master and doctoral student at FAU USP; member of Editora Sabiá. As a researcher, he works in the field of History of Design, having published works mainly on the history of teaching the profession in Brazil. In 2018, he received from his supervisor, Prof. Dr. Marcos da Costa Braga, 3rd place in the 32nd MCB Design Award in the Unpublished Written Works category. Currently, in his Doctorate, he is researching the history of the GAPP office – Grupo Associado de Pesquisa and Planning. Professionally works with Digital Design and development of online systems.


Eleida Pereira de Camargo
Graduated in Design from FAAP, master from FAUUSP, doctor from UNIFESP and post-doctor from FAUUSP where she completed research on Neuresthetics applied to Information Design. Eleida was nominated for the CAPES thesis award for the work developed in her doctorate and is a member of the editorial board of Revista Neurocências. Awarded at the XXII Annual Visual and Plastic Arts of the Brazilian Art Museum and in the Toy Creation and Design Contest (ABRINQ / FAUUSP). University professor for 20 years, she has published several articles in the area and co-authored the books “Packaging Design: from Marketing to Production” (Novatec); “Packaging: Materials, Processes, Machines and Sustainability” (Embanews Award), “Better Packaging, Better World” (Packaging Institute) and Neurology (UNIFESP / Manole). Currently linked to undergraduate and graduate courses in the Arts, Design, Fashion and Architecture courses of the FMU / FIAM / FAAM group.


Fernanda Jordani Barbosa Harada
Graduated in Design by FAAP-SP, Postgraduate in Interior Design by FAAP-SP, Master’s and Doctorate (with “sandwich” complementation in the USA) in Science and Design by UNIFESP-SP applying human-centered design to solve problems within the Health area. She works as a designer and consultant on User Expert Lab projects within the Institute for Human Centered Design (IHCD/Boston/US) using techniques centered on user experience to guide the search for inclusive solutions. Professor at Faculdade Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP-SP). Board member and co-founder of the MedHacker philosophy and its Transdisciplinary Innovation Workshops in São Paulo and Brazil. She is a founding partner of Gorila D+H, working with research and user experience in the process of discovering demands and developing and testing design solutions.


Gabriel Patrocínio
PhD in Design Policies (Cranfield University, United Kingdom, 2013). Bachelor of Industrial Design from ESDI / UERJ (1982). In 2019, he started teaching in the design course at ISMAT Portimão (Universidade Lusófona, Portugal). Professor at UERJ since 1993, where he also served as Director (2004-2008) and Deputy Director (2000-2004) at ESDI, and from 2014, Adjunct Professor at IFHT / UERJ (graduate). Member of the Design Council of the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro (2014-2016). Member of the Consultative Design Group of the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro (2007-2009). Director of the associations of Graphic Designers (ADG Brasil, 2013-2015), and Product Designers (ADP, 2016-2018) and member of the Advisory Board of the Brazilian Association of Design Companies, Abedesign (2014-2015). Designer and consultant, specialized in the area of ​​creativity and innovation and design policies. Awarded at the MCB in 2014 (thesis) and 2016 (book). He has served as a member of the juris for international awards iF Design, A ’Design and Clap Design.


Gabriela Botelho Mager
Graduated in Graphic Design from Universidade Mackenzie (1992), specialist in Furniture Design from Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina – UDESC (2001), Master in Production Engineering from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC (2004) and PhD in Design, by PUC Rio (2011). She is an effective professor of the Design course and the Postgraduate Program in Design / PPGDesign at the State University of Santa Catarina. She was Director of Education in 2012-2013 and General Director in the 2013-2017 management of the UDESC Arts Center. She is the leader of the research group NEST-Nucleus of Semiotic and Transdisciplinary Studies. She acts as Technology and Innovation Manager at FAPESC-Foundation for Support to Research and Innovation in the State of Santa Catarina. She focuses on the areas of Branding, Design Management, Interaction Design and Design and Entrepreneurship.


Grace Kishimoto
Professor and researcher at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, in the Design Course. Member of the FAU-Mackenzie research group “Design, Theory and Project”. Master in Design, CAPES scholarship, from Anhembi Morumbi University (2015). Bachelor of Industrial Design with skill in Product, from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (1999). Acts as a consultant in Design. She teaches disciplines in the areas of Product Design and Communication. He works mainly on the following themes: Jewelry, Packaging, Toys and Graphic Production.


Gustavo Curcio
Architect, master and doctor in Design and Architecture, Gustavo is a professor and researcher in the Design Department at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo, where he develops research at undergraduate and graduate levels in the area of ​​Magazine Design and Editorial Graphic Design (online and offline). He is a researcher at the Visual Design Research Laboratory, LabVisual-FAUUSP and the New Narratives Study Group, GENN-ECAUSP. He has a post-doctorate in Design and Architecture from FAUUSP and 20 years of experience in editorial, visual programming, art direction, photography direction and writing / advertising direction. He recently curated the Pauliceia 2.0 exhibition at the São Paulo Arts and Crafts School. He serves on the editorial board of the magazines Arquitetura e Urbanismo (ISSN 0102-8979) and Téchne (ISSN 0104-1053). He coordinates the university extension project to democratize access to design ArqXP | Innovative Experiences in Construction.

Ivo Edward Roman Pons
Founding partner of Data Machina, holds a PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Master in Education, Arts and History of Culture, and a degree in Industrial Design (Design) also from Mackenzie where he is a full-time research professor. He has a vast history of social articulation, having founded the NGO Design Possível, having been Director of ADP (Association of Product Designers), and working at Unisol São Paulo, participating in Coletivo Brasil Design (CBrD) and Cooperatives Ideário and Giro Sustentável .


João de Souza Leite
Associate professor in the graduate program at the School of Industrial Design / UERJ, D.Sc. in Social Sciences, leads a research group in history and design theory – HTDesign. From 1980, with the designer Aloisio Magalhães, he was part of the revitalization team of the Institute of Artistic and National Historical Heritage, where he coordinated research and developed editorial projects and exhibitions. Founder and co-editor of the academic magazine Arcos: design, visuality and material culture (PPDEsdi) (1996), he also edited the magazine D2B: Design to Branding, published by GAD ’Design. Exhibition curator and lecturer, he regularly writes about design, and was awarded for two years in a row with the Design Award from the Museu da Casa Brasileira.


José Roberto D’Elboux
Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism at FAUUSP, an institution where he also received the title of Master in Architecture and Urbanism and Doctor in Design. Her doctoral thesis received an Honorable Mention at the USP 2020 Thesis Highlight Award and at the 32nd Design Museum of the Brazilian House Award (2018). He has a specialization in Graphic Design from Centro Mariantônia at USP. He is a professor at the Undergraduate Course in Advertising and Propaganda and at the Graduate Program in Design at FAAP and, also, Art and Creative Director with experience at DPZ, Y & R, Publicis, Leo Burnett and Africa. He is the curator of the Typical Paulistanos project, which records typographies existing in the urban and architectural landscape of São Paulo.

Maria Stella Tedesco Bertaso
Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (1991), with a Masters in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidade de São Paulo (2001) and specialization in Exhibition Design from Domus, Milan, works as an architect and professor. He taught courses in Industrial Design and Architecture and Urbanism, at the Faculty of Plastic Arts of Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP) from 1999 to 2016, in design disciplines and in the postgraduate courses in Interior Design and Graphic Design. institution. Between 2010 and 2012 he conducted open courses at Escola São Paulo and since 2016 he has taught at SENAC SP’s graduate courses in Architecture. He collaborated with architecture firms in São Paulo from 1989, having his own office since 2001 where he develops exhibition, institutional, residential and commercial projects. She is an Alternate Adviser at CAU SP (São Paulo’s Council of Architecture and Urbanism), actively working on the Communication and Professional Practice committees.


Marcelo J. O. de Farias
PhD and Master in Communication and Semiotics from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo – PUC / SP; Postgraduate in Design Management from Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy; Postgraduate in Agent of Technological Innovation from Tiradentes University – UNIT in partnership with ABIPTI; Postgraduate in Design from the Centro de Diseño Industrial – CDI / FADU, Uruguay; Graduated in Industrial Design from the Federal University of Paraíba – UFPB. Professor of the Design and Fashion courses at Faculdade Armando Alvares Penteado – FAAP / São Paulo, professor of the Bachelor of Design course at Centro Universitário Senac, São Paulo. Develops research, studies and projects in the areas of Strategic Design; Creation and Innovation Processes; Communication and Semiotics, within the scope of teaching and professional practice of design.


Myrna Nascimento
Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism at FAUUSP, master and doctor in Architecture and Urbanism and also master in Communication Sciences, Myrna is a professor and researcher in the Design department at FAUUSP, in the courses of Architecture and Design, and at the Senac University Center, where she also coordinates the research group on Communication, Architecture and Design. Her research themes include teaching and experimentation, analogies between Design and Architecture, Project / Language / Representation, Communication / Space / Meaning and transdisciplinary studies aimed at representations of material and immaterial culture.

Nancy Betts
Graduated in Arts Education at FAAP (1992) and Master in Communication and Semiotics at PUC/SP (2002). Full Professor at Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP) in the subjects: History of Art in the Undergraduate Course in Visual Arts and Art History in the Post-Graduate Course in Art History lato sensu. Until 2009, he was part of the faculty of the lato sensu postgraduate courses in Audiovisual and Graphic Design, at SENAC/SP, in the disciplines of Image and Sound Semiotics and Communication, Language and Meaning, respectively. Independent curator and researcher. Participation in congresses – ANPAP, ​​INTERCOM. He works mainly in the languages ​​of Art, Design and Technology, in the following themes: image analysis, recycling poetics, resignification, appropriation, intertextuality, critical interface.


Nara Sílvia Marcondes Martins
Post-Doctorate in Visual Arts at the Faculty of Fine Arts-University of Lisbon, PhD in Architecture and Urbanism at FAUUSP, Master in Visual Arts at IAUNESP, graduated in Social Communication at FAAP and in Fine Arts at the Faculty of Arts of São Paulo. She is an adjunct research professor in the Design undergraduate course at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. She guides research at the end of the course, scientific initiation and monograph. She currently coordinates the FAU-UPM Design Undergraduate course, was Assistant Academic Support Coordinator and Lato Sensu Graduate Coordinator in Architecture and Design FAU-UPM. She is the leader of the research group certified by CNPq: Design, Theory and Project since 2000. She has experience in the area of ​​Design, Communication, History and Theory of Design and Visual Arts. She has research that discusses the context and trends of contemporary design, emotional design, socio-environmental design and creative economics. She is president of the Possible Design Association. She has published scientific articles in congresses and international journals as well as books and specialized magazines.


Nelson José Urssi
Designer and Architect. PhD in Design and Architecture at FAUUSP (2017), Master in Communication and Arts at ECAUSP (2006) and graduated in Architecture and Urbanism at PUC Campinas (1986). He is a university professor and coordinates the Bachelor of Design at the Centro Universitário Senac. A project professional, he investigates the individual’s experience in a city full of data. He is part of the research groups Design, Environment and Interfaces at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo and UrbeLab 4xCidade with the project Metacity, design, data and urbanity at Centro Universitário Senac.

Norberto Gaudêncio Junior
Graphic designer, professor and researcher at Mackenzie Presbyterian University. He is coordinator of Continuing Education at the Center for Communication and Letters (CCL) at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. He is the author of the books “A Herança Escultórica da Tipografia” (2004) and “Cultura Gráfica” (2010). He was curator and author of the text of the exhibition catalog “See illustrious passenger: Atelier Mirga and tram posters”, held at Instituto Tomie Ohtake (2011). Subscribe to the column “Cultura Gráfica” published in the magazine Tecnologia Gráfica. Master in Education, Art and History of Culture from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Doctor in Education, Art and History of Culture from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, with internship at Université Paris Descartes – Sorbonne (Institutional Program of Doctoral Scholarships Sandwich Abroad – PSDE/CAPES).

Olavo Aranha
Graduated in Industrial Design from Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado – FAAP (1987) and Master in Industrial Design from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design (United Kingdom, 1993), teaches in Design and Architecture and Post-Graduate courses at FAU-Mackenzie. Worked in automotive design, graphics, white line, brown line and lighting engineering.


Priscilla Lena Farias
Graphic designer graduated from FAAP, master and doctor in Communication and Semiotics from PUC-SP, CNPq Research Productivity fellow and associate professor at FAUUSP, where he coordinates LabVisual – Research Laboratory in Visual Design. She is editor-in-chief of the scientific journal ‘InfoDesign – Revista Brasileira de Design da Informação’, and a member of the editorial board of other design publications, in Brazil and abroad, such as’ Journal of Design History ‘and’ The Design Journal ‘. She is the author of the books ‘Digital Typography’ (2ab), ‘Visualizing Signs’ (Blucher), and several articles on typography, design and semiotics. She is one of the coordinators of the ‘Pensando o Design’ (Blucher) collection, translator of several works on typography and graphic design, and organizer of collections such as ‘Advanced Issues on Cognitive Science and Semiotics’ (Shaker Verlag), ‘Design Frontiers’ (Designio ) and ‘Ten Essays on Graphic Memory’ (Blucher). She was Coordinator of the Jury for the Written Works Category of the 29th and 30th Design MCB Awards, and Coordinator of the Poster Contest for the 31st Design MCB Awards.


Regina Lara
Researcher in the Graduate Program in Education, Art and History of Culture at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (UPM) São Paulo / Brazil. Plastic artist, she regularly exhibits and works in the Creation and Restoration of Stained Glass; Bachelor of Design from UPM, Master of Arts from UNICAMP, Doctorate in Psychology from PUCCAMP, Post Doctorate from VICARTE – Glass and Ceramics for the Arts, Research Unit of FCT-UNL and FBAUL in Lisbon, Portugal. She has experience in the arts, maintaining links with education, developing projects for artistic and cultural training, working mainly on the following themes: art, design, creativity, creative processes, heritage and cultural history. She is a member of ICOM Glass – The International Committee for Museums and Collections of Glass, CRIABRASILIS-Brazilian Association of Creativity and Innovation and ANPAP-National Association of Researchers in Plastic Arts. Leader of the Art and Contemporary Languages ​​Group-PPG-EAHC of UPM, and researcher in the Museum / Heritage Group of FAUUSP. Member of the editorial board of Revista ARA – FAU-USP and Editora Uva Limão.


Rosana Vasques
Graduated in Design and Master at UFPR (2006 and 2011, respectively), specialist in furniture at the Federal Technological University of Paraná (2008) and PhD in Design and Architecture at FAUUSP (2015), with a sandwich period at the International Design Business Management (IDBM) from Aalto University, School of Business – Finland (2013). He received an Honorable Mention in the 26th Design MCB Award for his dissertation “Design, Culture and Sustainability” in the category Unpublished Written Works, and was a finalist in the 30th edition of the Award, with his thesis “Design, Possession and Shared Use: flexions and practices”. She is currently a professor in the Design course at FAUUSP and the Master in Market Research and Consumer Insights at ESPM. She develops research on innovation ecosystems in partnership with professors from PoliUSP, Queen Mary University London and the Institute for Design Innovation at Loughborough University – London, in addition to acting as a consultant in design research and service design.

Sandra Harabagi
Plastic Artist. Master in Education, Art and History of Culture from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Creator of the discipline ‘Creation Laboratory’ for Fashion Courses in Brazil. Consultant in the area of ​​Product Creation and Development Processes in Fashion and Design. Worked in the Undergraduate and Graduate courses in Plastic Arts, Design and Fashion at the following colleges: Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado – FAAP; European Institute of Design – IED. Santa Marcelina College. SENAC; Anhembi Morumbi University; and Mackenzie University.

Sara Goldchmit
Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism, with a master’s and doctorate in Design and Architecture from FAUUSP, Sara is currently a professor of design at FAUUSP. She is a member of LabVisual (Research Laboratory in Visual Design at FAU USP). She coordinates and participates in multidisciplinary research projects in the Design for Health research line, from the research group Design in Action (CNPq). Areas of interest include visual communication, information design, user-centered design and health design.


Sueli Garcia
PhD in Education, Art and History of Culture from Mackenzie-SP (2014), Master in Communication from UNIP (2002) and graduated in Design from Centro Universitário Belas Artes in São Paulo (1986). She is currently a teacher and coordinator of the undergraduate courses in Interior Design and Product Design at Belas Artes-SP. She is also a lecturer in the Postgraduate courses in Interior Design and the Master in Architecture, Urbanism and Design at the same institution. She is the author of the books “Arquitetura do Espaço Cenográfico” (2011) and Arte e Cultura na Moda as foundations of contemporary dress (2014). She is a content writer for the EAD in the History of Design of Fine Arts. She is Vice-President of the Academic at ABD-Brazilian Association of Interior Designers. Since 2010 she is head and co-founder of POBox Design, a company that develops Trends, Visual Merchandising, Products and Commercial Interiors, through Projects and Consulting, and has 2 awards in the area in 2018 and 2019. Develops costumes and scenography for cultural institutions like Unifesp and Sesc for 14 years.


Tatiana Gentil Machado
Graduated, master and doctor from FAUUSP, she has experience in Architecture, Communication and Design, and develops research focusing on the relationships between design, education and interaction, especially in museums, cultural and educational spaces. She was a professor in the Undergraduate courses at Anhembi Morumbi University and Escola da Cidade, and in Postgraduate Studies in Interior Design at FAAP. She also taught in the triennial and postgraduate courses at the Istituto Europeo di Design São Paulo (IED São Paulo) and in the professional training courses taught by CRIED São Paulo in partnership with SEBRAE Nacional. She worked and collaborated with design offices in Brazil and the United States. She is currently a managing partner of CLE I Creative Learning Experiences, through which she develops design projects and creative learning courses and workshops for schools and cultural institutions.


Virginia Borges Kistmann
Designer by ESDI – School of Industrial Design in Rio de Janeiro, master by RCA – Royal College of Art, England and PhD in engineering, production and systems by the Federal University of Santa Catarina. She was a professor of undergraduate courses in design at the Federal University of Paraná and at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. She served as a visiting professor at the Hochschule der Künst HdK, Berlin, and at the Université Savoie Mont Blanc, France. She is a senior professor in the Graduate Research Program in Design at UFPR, where she is the leader of the Design Management Research Group and coordinator of the Design Management Center. She develops research in the field of design management, with a focus on design for ceramics and design for cities. Professionally, she worked as a designer and design manager in private companies in Paraná.


Viviane Nicoletti
Master in Design and Architecture at FAUUSP, she has a degree in Plastic Arts with a degree in sculpture (ECA-USP) and a degree in Industrial Design (FAU-Mackenzie). In her performance in the industry she was awarded a Golden A’design Award and an honorable mention in the 28th Museu da Casa Brasileira Award. She is co-founder of the research group “For a relational design” based at FAUUSP since 2016. Under a decolonial approach, she researches the exchanges between institutional design and other forms of design. She is a professor at Istituto Europeo di Design and at Universidade São Judas Tadeu.


Zuleica Schincariol
Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from FAUUSP, specialization in Studies of Art Museums from the Museum of Contemporary Art at USP, Master in Architecture and Urbanism, in the sub-area of concentration of Visual Programming, from USP. Zuleica is a professor and researcher at the FAU-Mackenzie Design Course, a member of the research group Design, art, languages and processes. She has professional experience in the field of design, with an emphasis on visual programming, working mainly on topics related to graphic design, editorial design, typography, environmental graphic design and design history.

Service Registration:
34th MCB Design Award
May 20th to August 4th
Registration fee:
R$ 98.00. 50% discount for students and 25% for MCB Friends
through the website www.mcb.org.br

Entrar em contato

Tue. to sun. from 10am to 6pm

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