31st Design Award MCB launches the 2017 Poster Contest

Held by the Museu da Casa Brasileira, institution of the Culture Secretariat of the State of São Paulo, the MCB Design Prize starts its 31st edition with the Poster Contest. The poster is the communication centerpiece of the Prize, and the winning work will be the starting point for the development of the entire visual identity of this edition.

Registration runs from March 6 to April 5, and the result will be announced until May 6. Participation is open to all interested individuals, Brazilian or foreign residents in the country for more than 02 years, professionals or students from any area.

The Poster Contest, held annually by the MCB, promotes the continuous rescue of this piece as an important means of expression, besides recording part of the moment lived by the national graphic design, creating an inventory through the language expressed in each of the pieces awarded during the course of the years.

Considering the diversity of techniques, languages ​​and possible supports to be presented in this graphic piece and its different impacts, an eclectic judging committee was selected, with artistic, academic, editorial and market representatives. Meet the jury:

– Priscila Lena Farias (coordinator), graphic designer, master and PhD in Communication and Semiotics, is coordinator of the Design course and the Visual Design Research Laboratory at FAU-USP;

– Baixo Ribeiro, architect, is the founder of the Choque Cultural gallery and works regularly as curator of residential programs, experiences, seminars, urban interventions and exhibitions in Brazil and abroad;

– Luiz Félix, graduated in Design and Cinema and specializing in the field of cinema, is a partner, editor and creative director of Zupi magazine;

– Ronald Kapaz, graphic designer, senior strategist in corporate identity, is the owner and strategy vice president of OZ Strategy + Design;

– Tadeu Costa is professor of Typography, Visual Identity Design and Illustration at Anhembi and Senac Universities, awarded in 1999 in the MCB Design Award in the category of construction equipment.

The winner of the Poster Contest will receive an award in the gross amount of R $ 3 thousand (three thousand reais) and will subsequently have a contract in the gross amount of another R $ 3 thousand (three thousand reais) for the creation of other pieces Of this edition.

With a registration fee of R $ 48.00 (forty eight reais), students have a discount of 50% and subscribers of Zupi magazine have a 20% discount. The complete regulation and the registrations are in the site www.mcb.org.br

Contest Exhibit
For the second consecutive year, the MCB will organize the Poster Contest Show. The posters selected by the jury will be exhibited from May 6 to June 11, and will go through a popular vote. With this, the MCB Design Prize reinforces its character of supporting the construction of the identity of national design, expanding its interaction with the public and bringing visitors closer to the vocational themes of the institution.

About the MCB Design Award
The MCB Design Prize has been held since 1986 by the Museu da Casa Brasileira. The award, the most traditional and prestigious of the segment in the country, reveals talents and dedicates professionals and companies. The Prize is divided into two main moments: the Poster Contest and then the award of the products and written works.

Between June and August, MCB receives creations (prototypes or in production) in the categories: Construction, Transportation, Electronics, Lighting, Furniture, Textiles, Utensils and Written Works. The works are analyzed by two independent judging commissions, one for the product categories and the other for theoretical work. Finally, the winners are chosen, divided between 1st and 2nd places and honorable mentions, besides the finalists of the edition.

As a result of the MCB Design Award, the Museum holds a show with winners and selected from each category of the edition, which is on display for about two months.

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